Monday, January 11, 2016

Mon.’s Devo - We Become What We Behold

Read: Gen. 30:25-31
After the birth of Joseph, Jacob was ready to go back to his people. In the timeline of what period each son represents, Joseph represents the time of Christ. Everything about his life represents Jesus. This is the greatest event for the Jews and they need to be in their land. All Jacob asked for was his wives, children and the speckled and spotted, and the brown sheep and goats. Laban agreed and went himself and divided Jacob’s cattle from his and sent them to a different field. Then Jacob did an amazing thing. He placed reeds that looked speckled and spotted in the feeding trough and where the strong ones mated so they would produce what they looked at. This is such an important concept. You become what you behold. If we spend our meal times reading the Word and fellowshipping with the Lord and others that are like minded or in witnessing to those who aren’t, then we will become godly. If we spend our time reading the latest People magazine or gossiping about others, we will become like the people we talk about. It is a godly principle. If we eat junk we will be unhealthy and the same goes with our spiritual life. We have to be eating, thinking, talking about Jesus. That is the way to prosper.
Laban changed Jacob’s wages when he saw he was losing his own cattle to Jacob. It was finally time for Jacob to leave and the only way he felt he could accomplish that without a war would be to flee. His wives agreed so he packed his belongings and left. We see what kind of man he was when we hear what his own daughters said about him. Their inheritance status had been spent on Laban’s lust so they had nothing to lose. The sad part was that Rachel wanted her father’s images. It ended up costing her her life, I believe.
Lord, help us to see that all we have is the result of Your blessing on our lives. Our wealth is not in gold or silver but in You and our family. Give us the desire to behold You more.

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