Friday, January 22, 2016

Fri.’s Devo - Job’s Defense

Read: Job 12-14
Job defends his opinion and proves that he has a vast understanding of God’s ways. He says some statements that are worth contemplating. One is in 12:10 and 16. God’s hand is on every living soul and the deceived and the deceiver are his. I have to remind myself this when I think that God is on my side against one of his children. We are all his and he cares for all of us. Job truly saw how God was over all the earth and everything is under his approval and command.
Job called his “friends” forgers of lies and physicians of no value. He told them they would be wise to just stop talking. They were not giving the wisdom of God. (I think I would have left if I had been one of those friends, but they didn’t.)
We need to have the tenacity of Job when we are dealing with the devil. He can accuse us all he wants, but the truth is Jesus has made us righteous and has erased all our sin and shame. We can talk like Job did and God will stand behind us like he did for Job in the end. Job’s friends brought condemnation and reproof when they should have brought love and hope.
Lord, Your power is sovereign over all the earth. Thank you for your great grace.

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