Friday, January 8, 2016

Fri.’s Devo - Choose the Best

Read Gen. 25:1-4; 1 Chron. 1:32-33; Gen 25:5-6; 1 Chron. 1:28-31, 34; Gen 25:19-26; Gen 25:7-11
Today we have the genealogies of Abraham’s two sons Ishmael and Isaac. Both had descendants that had 12 sons that became princes or tribal leaders. Ishmael moved east but Isaac settled near Beer-lahai-roi where God spoke to Hagar. As you know, I put a lot of weight in the meaning of names. I studied the names of the sons of Jacob and found that their names and their descendants describe the whole history of time. Benjamin is the picture of the Gentile nation. So, I would have to believe Ishmael’s sons described the history of the people not of the covenant. I haven’t studied it enough to prove it, but that is my theory.
Isaac had two sons Esau and Jacob. They were twins with Esau being the first to exit the womb and Jacob holding on to his heel. There was a struggle in Rebekah’s womb so I’m guessing they were fighting over which would be the first born. I’m going to theorize again and say that I bet Jacob was suppose to be first and Esau beat him because Jacob spent his life trying to get that position back.
Abraham died at the age of 175 having lived a satisfying life and was buried with Sarah.
Lord, may Abraham’s epitaph be ours. May we live a life that is satisfying to You.

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