Saturday, January 2, 2016

Sat.’s Devo - A Bride

Read: Gen. 3-5; 1 Chron. 1:1-4; Gen. 6:
Did you think about my question yesterday? I asked that same question a while ago and decided that I didn’t know the answer but was sure that God would have established the answer in the beginning, so I went back to Genesis and pondered creation. Since I understand how God teaches in stories and types and shadows I saw that the first Adam was a shadow of Jesus (Romans 5:14). Adam looked around earth and realized that there was no bride for him just as Jesus must have looked around heaven and saw no suitable bride. God put Adam asleep and produced Eve from his side. Jesus was nailed to the cross and when that spear pierced his side, the body of Christ poured forth of water and blood (spirit and life). The Bible starts with Adam finding his wife and ends with Jesus finding his. Jesus first miracle was at a wedding where he took 6 (number of man) earthen vessels and turned their water to wine. Jesus came to take man and change his spirit to eternal life. So I believe that God created the world to find a suitable bride for his son and we have the opportunity to become that bride.
Jesus has always had power over sin and the devil which is why when Eve ate the apple it only affected her, but when Adam chose to eat the apple it was Jesus choosing to go to the cross and die for his bride.
Today we read about Eve’s offspring. She had two sons, one she talks about as being from the Lord - Cain and the other just being his brother, Abel. I believe they were twins but this one thing I do know to be true - one stood for evil and the other stood for good. In the Old Testament stories were to teach us Biblical truths. One of them is that the first born stands for our first nature. We are born into sin as Cain. The second born stands for our rebirth in the spirit. Abel was a type of Jesus in that he offered the acceptable sacrifice that spoke from the ground even after he died. Cain was a type of Satan who tried to kill Abel like he did Jesus.
I used to think that early man was like the cave men who had to learn how to make the wheel but these early men were using almost 100% of their brain so they were making organs and flutes and forging metal and making who-knows-what. It all changed after the flood.
Notice also that Seth was made in the image of Adam. His name means “substituted”. He was substituted for Abel. We are the substitute for Jesus. We are walking, talking, loving, giving in his name for his glory to carry on his name. His son was Enos which means “mortal man”.

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