Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tues.’s Devo - Grace Through Faith Not Circumcision

Read: Galatians 1-3
I want to back-track to yesterday’s reading and talk about Acts 16:3. Paul circumcised Timothy after all the talk about not needing to be circumcised. Timothy wanted to be circumcised because his ministry was with the Jews and he wanted to remove anything that would keep them from hearing the message he had to share with them. Since circumcision was such a big deal to the Jews he chose to have Paul do this to him so he would remove that obstacle.
Today, Paul reads to the church at Galatia their letter from the elders. He had to rebuke Peter for waffling in his stand about circumcision and his stand with the Jews and the Gentiles. Peter was free when he was with the Gentiles but once some important Jewish leaders came into their fellowship, Peter fell back to his old traditions because of peer pressure. Before I condemn Peter too quickly, I think of all the times I am tempted to slip back into thinking I can please God with works or my righteousness. It is easy to do.
Paul preached a great grace message that is full of thought provoking statements like: “having begun in the Spirit, are you now made perfect by the flesh?” He started with Abraham and explained what faith is and the reason for the law. Jesus came to free us from the curse of the law which was death, but the law was our teacher to bring us to Christ. We have to have the law first to see that we are sinners then we can embrace faith and find grace to be saved. It is a circle that ends in eternal life. I love verse 28 that says there is neither Jew nor Greek, bond or free, male or female: we are all one in Jesus Christ which makes us all Abraham’s seed and heirs of his promise.
Lord, thank you for making us all on the same level of grace. We are all blessed in You.

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