Saturday, November 7, 2015

Sat.’s Devo - Rise Up, The Fields are White

Read: Matthew 24
I have heard “Jesus is Coming soon” since I was in high school. I remember people quitting their jobs and going and sitting on a hill waiting for the rapture. Jesus made it clear to his disciples that we must be working till he comes or we will be deceived or grow cold. The more I read Revelation and look around at world events I realize that we are going through tribulation right now. How much of it we will be around for I don’t know but I do know this: we will be here for the harvest of souls. There is yet to be one great harvest and Jesus needs workers to bring it in. I stopped looking for the rapture a long time ago because I realized that it was the escape hatch that robbed so many people of their destiny. Why are we afraid of a little hard times? Jesus came the first time in the middle of the worse time in the world - the Roman Empire was in power. He will come back again in an even worse time. Christians are being martyred in our very country by sick gunmen but if we could interview the martyrs in heaven and ask them if it was worth it they would all give us a big thumbs up. Death is not our enemy - fear is. There is nothing for a Christian to fear about the future. We are the only people who can say that. We are living for Matthew 24 to come to pass and are seeing it with our own eyes. I think the question is, are we going to be a worker in the harvest are are we going to cower in fear? This is our greatest hour. This is why we are put here! Rise up!
Lord, open our eyes to see the harvest around us and be ready in our season.

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