Friday, November 27, 2015

Fri.’s Devo - Letters to Thessalonica 11-27-15

Read: 1 Thessalonians 1-5; 2 Thessalonians 1-3
Yesterday we read about the birth of the church of Thessalonica. Since its beginning, Paul had tried twice to revisit and was hindered by Satan (2:18). He finally sends Timothy to learn about how they are doing (3:1,2). Timothy reports that they are thriving in their faith and concerned about Paul and his safety. In 1 Thessalonians Paul expresses his gratitude that they are growing even in the midst of his absence. He reminds them that this Jesus that came back from the dead will come back again in glory.
Paul probably wrote 2 Thessalonians a few weeks after he wrote the first letter. He concentrates on the return of Jesus. He clarified that Jesus won’t be coming back until some specific events take place first. First, there will be a falling away of many and the son of perdition will be revealed. This person is called by John (1 John 2:18: 4:3; 2 John 7) as the Antichrist. He will decide many with his charismatic personality and his healing and miracle gifts.
In the end, he tells them to keep doing the things that pertain to godliness and not give up hope. Perseverance is the key to receiving the reward.
Lord, help us to not grow wearing in well doing. We receive your peace.

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