Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tues.’s Devo - A Force To Be Reckoned With

Read: Acts 4-6
The Holy Spirit changed the disciples from a cowering fearful lot to a powerful force to be reckoned with. Everything the disciples taught made the religious leaders look guilty and ignorant. In Chapter three, the disciples had healed a crippled man which gave power to the words they were teaching. The high priest and his closest priests were all there in Jerusalem. Peter got up and preached a sermon to them about Jesus and how they had murdered the Messiah. The religious leaders commanded them to be quiet about Jesus but they told him there was no way they could stop proclaiming the truth. They left and went to meet together and praise God for what He was doing. The grain of wheat that had been placed in the earth had produced a harvest of many disciples. The Holy Spirit fell on this group of gatherers and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and boldness.
When the power of God comes down, the fear of God comes with it. Barnabas sold some land and brought all the proceeds as a sacrifice to the disciples. They must have gotten the attention of many of the people because Ananias and Sapphira coveted this attention and went and sold a possession they had. They lied about how much they got for it and kept back some for themselves. It wasn’t wrong that they kept back some for themselves, it was wrong that they lied about it. They wanted the praise they had seen Barnabas get so their hearts were totally wrong. The Holy Spirit in Peter knew and he rebuked Ananias for thinking he could lie to the Holy Spirit and get away with it. Ananias fell dead. Sapphira came in later and also lied and she fell dead. When they heard, the fear of God fell on all the people. When God starts moving, there is no room for pride or selfish ambition. God will have all the glory because it is all due him.
After this cleansing, God was able to move in power and people were healed by the presence that Peter carried. People came from miles around to be healed and to hear their teaching. The high priest was furious and had Peter and John thrown into prison. It wasn’t time for them to be quiet so angels came and let them out. They were found the next day back at the temple preaching. The counsel realized they couldn’t control this tornado so they decided to let it die out on its own. They had Peter and John beaten for breaking out of jail and disobeying them, then let them go. Peter and John left full of joy that they were counted worthy to suffer for the cause of Christ.
Lord, may we become a force to be reckoned with in this world. Fill us daily with the fire of the Holy Spirit.

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