Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tues.’s Devo - Two Perspectives

Read: Luke 14-15
Today we read of two perspectives. In Chapter 14 we have the perspective of earth. If we want to be exalted, we need to humble ourselves. I think it is interesting that Jesus gave this sermon in the house of one of the chief Pharisees. He had set Jesus up by asking him to eat on the Sabbath and having a man there with dropsy. Jesus discerned his motives and called him on it. Then he healed the man and gave them parables about humility. Every Pharisee wanted to be invited to this supper but Jesus told them a parable about another supper that no one wanted to go to. This was God’s supper. He was making the point that they didn’t want to eat the true bread so God was going to invite others. They were suppose to be the salt of the earth, but they had lost their saltiness.
Chapter 15 has to do with heaven’s perspective. God didn’t care about their righteousness, he cared about the lost. He delights in mercy, not in fairness. In the story of the prodigal son he was giving them a chance to see themselves and repent. If they were the foolish son, they could come back and God would welcome them with open arms. If they were the older brother, they needed to change their perspective and see as God sees. There were some Pharisees who actually got the message of salvation but most of them remained hard-hearted.
Lord, we pray for the church and the world to wake up to the grace and mercy of the Lord. Thank you for bringing the grace message back to the church.

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