Thursday, October 29, 2015

Thurs.’s Devo - Wait on the Lord

Read: John 11
We all know the story of Lazareth but did you know that his name in Hebrew is Eleazar. Eleazar was Aaron’s sons name. He was a major priest in Moses ministry. His name means “gift of God”. Nazareth was a forerunner of what Jesus was going to do. Jesus raised him from the dead because it was not his time and to show that he had power over death.
When Jesus told his disciples he was going back to Judea they were afraid for his life and I love Jesus response. “Are there not twelve hours in the day?” He was saying that if they walk in God’s light there is no fear. Fear comes in the darkness and they carried the light. Jesus knew that he had come to bring life from death and that it would cause him his own death. He raised Lazareth and positioned himself for death. The Pharisees met to stop his ministry. The high priest was Caiaphas who prophesied that one man would die for the Jews and then all the children of God would come together. So he reasoned that since this was a good thing and God’s will, they would help it along. This is always wrong strategy. We can’t hurry God or his will. He has set things in order and on his time table so that all things are working for the good of all his children. David understood this when he refused to kill Saul every time he had the opportunity which was more than once. He never saw those opportunities as God’s will for him to do God’s work. We are not the hand of judgment - God is and revenge is His business. Our job is to patiently wait and that is not easy to do.
Lord, help us to wait patiently for your promises to be fulfilled.

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