Friday, October 9, 2015

Fri.’s Devo -The Right Attitude

Read: Matthew 12:1-21; Mark 3; Luke 6
Jesus purposely plucked ears of corn on the Sabbath to offend the Pharisees or to teach them a lesson if they could hear. He was trying to teach them that if you are a priest to the Lord then the law doesn’t apply to you. It doesn’t condemn you. Jesus was always healing on the Sabbath because the Sabbath stands for the 7th day or the last thousand years. In that time everyone that follows Christ will be healed and righteousness will reign on earth. Jesus was giving us a fore taste of that time. He was also releasing that day for the believer. We should be always walking in the 7th day. Healing, prosperity, life, deliverance is all ours. Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath.
After a night in prayer, Jesus went and chose his disciples by what God had showed him the night before. Jesus never did anything he didn’t first see the Father do. He chose Judas who would one day betray him. Jesus gave the beatitudes which are a guideline to the upside down kingdom we are a part of. The poor are the ones that will inherit the kingdom, whatever pain or suffering we go through now will be turned around one day. We are to rejoice when people hate us because of our relationship with Jesus, for our reward in heaven will be great. Next, we have the list of woes. The ones who get their reward on earth by living according to worldly laws will suffer later. Those that are popular with the world will be brought down. We are to love our enemies, bless those who curse us and pray for those who use us. We love them with our actions and our attitudes and the fruit that we bear.
Lord, when you return we pray that you will find fruit in us.

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