Saturday, October 24, 2015

Sat.’s Devo - Open Our Eyes

Read: John 9:1-41; John 10:1-21
Today’s reading is about Jesus’ healing of the blind man. Of all Jesus miracles up to now, this one seemed to impress them the most. They were still talking about it in our last verse we read. The man had been blind since birth and the disciples asked Jesus if he was blind because of his own sin or his parents. But Jesus explained to him that this man was made blind for this very moment that he would be an object lesson for all to see. :) Jesus then mixed his spit with dirt and put it on the man’s eyes. I would think that this was exactly how God created Adam out of dirt and made him see. Then Jesus told him to go to the pool of Siloam and wash the dirt off his eyes. The pool of Siloam is cut through a rock and is always flowing. It means “sent” and is a beautiful picture of the Holy Spirit that freely flows from our Lord Jesus. There was a legend that Mary washed the swaddling clothes of Jesus in this fountain.
Needless to say, this miracle upset the Pharisees who argued among themselves whether he was legit or not since he did this miracle on the sabbath day. They finally called his parents to confirm the miracle. His parents sent them back to him because of their fear of being kicked out of the synagog if they offended the counsel. I can’t help thinking how they strained at a gnat and swallowed a camel. This seems so far-fetched to us but every time God moves in the church in a different way, we face this kind of opposition. I can remember when the Charismatic movement swept across America and the youth became radical Christians. I was a youth at the time and the organized church didn’t know what to do with us. They shut down our Bible studies and prayer meetings in an effort to control what they didn’t understand. We are on the cusp of another great awakening in our nation. How are we going to accept the change? If we can “see” we will be a part of it. If we cannot “see” because we are steeped in religion, we will oppose it.
Lord, help us to be of those who “see” and are a part of what you are about to do.

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