Monday, October 26, 2015

Mon.’s Devo - Seek the Kingdom of God

Read: Luke 12-13
Jesus starts out by warning his disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees which is hypocrisy then he tells them later that the kingdom of heaven is like leaven that the woman hid in three measures of meal till it leavened all of it. We learned the other day that leaven means doctrine. The doctrine of the Pharisees was hypocrisy that would be exposed in the judgment. God doesn’t forget one evil thing the wicked do and doesn’t forget one good thing the righteous do. One day, Jesus will bring judgment and justice. Jesus encouraged us not to worry about what man does to our physical body because that will one day perish, but our spiritual man will live eternally.
The woman that hid the leaven in the measures of meal represents the growth of the kingdom. It is hidden but growing. The doctrine of Jesus will one day permeate the earth. Isaiah 11:9 says it like this: “They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” Jesus told them to be rich in Him because the treasures of this world are not the eternal treasures. If we seek the kingdom of God, then the other things are just add ons. The true treasure is God himself.
Luke 13 starts with two incidences which Jesus uses to make a point. The first one is some Galileans that offended Pilate so he had them killed and mixed their blood with his sacrifices. This was a very demeaning way to die. The next incident was about 18 men that died when a tower fell on them. The disciples were thinking that the way they died must have been judgments because of their sinful lives, but Jesus disagreed. It was not how a person died that determined their eternity or their life, but if they repented before they died. Everyone was going to die but no one but God knows when. Jesus was trying to get them to see the importance of repenting while they had the time.
Lord, may our doctrine be the true doctrine of your kingdom and may we seek you first.

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