Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tues.’s Devo - Spiritual Warfare

Read: Neh. 3:5-5:13, 1 Co. 7:25-40, Ps. 32:1-11, Pr. 21:5-7 As the Jews continue to build the wall, Sanballat finds out and tries to intimidate them. He makes fun of them and their work. Nehemiah asks God to take care of their enemies and continues building. When they almost completed the wall, Sanballat was really mad. Sanballat decided to come in battle against the Jews and hinder their work. They put fear on the Jewish people so Nehemiah placed guards on top of the walls all around the city. They were able to continue working. They slept with their armor on so they would be ready for an attack. This is spiritual warfare on the front lines. When God gives us an assignment, it will make the devil mad. Our job is to not quit but to surround ourselves with other Christians who will help us man the fort through prayer. All night they had guards and sometimes it takes a through-the-night prayer vigil to fortify the spiritual wall so the devil can’t slip through and kill. There is never a time in our lives that we can take off our spiritual armor. We need to stay spiritually awake and aware or our enemy. The next thing that happened was within their own camp. If the devil can’t attack us from without, he will attack us in our families or our own churches. We have to love other Christians like they are our family and we should love our family like God loves them. Lord, open our eyes to see our enemy and his tactics. Heal our relationships and all the breaches in our walls.

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