Saturday, August 16, 2014

Sat.’s Devo.- Do All to the Glory of God

Read: Nehemiah 11:1-12:26, 1 Co. 10:14-11:2, Ps, 34:11-22, Pr. 21:14-16 A tenth of the people volunteered to live in Jerusalem. They gave up their inheritances and land to come and live and establish a new city. They put a high priority on music since the king commanded that they got paid daily. He must have understood the power of worship. Two things stuck out to me in 1 Corinthians today. The first is verse 24: “Let no man seek his own, but every man another’s wealth.” What if we were more interested in others prospering than ourselves? What would that look like? The second is found in the end of Chapter 10. Paul has just explained that when they go grocery shopping they shouldn’t ask if the meat was offered to idols so they wouldn’t have to deal with their conscience. Everything comes from God. But, if someone brings out that the meat was also the same that was offered to idols, for their conscience, we shouldn’t eat it. So even if we feel freedom in an area, if it offends someone watching, we should abstain. We should prefer other people to ourselves. This glorifies God. The bottom line was in everything we do we should to it to God’s glory.

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