Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thurs.’s Devo - Giving Freely and Abundantly

Read: Neh. 7:61-9:21, 1 Co. 9:1-15, Ps. 33:12-22, Pr. 21:11-12 One thing I have to remind myself is that they didn’t have a copy of the Bible in their possession so when Ezra stood and read the law for four hours, the people listened. For some of them , it was probably the first time they had heard it read. The people stood for four hours listening! They had teachers to explain the law to the people. The people wept when they heard the law read. On the second day they read about the feast of tabernacles in the law and decided to celebrate it since it was the season for it. They brought their branches and erected their booths. They fasted and repented for their sins and praised the Lord, recalling all He did when God chose them to be His children. This is a picture of the last feast of tabernacles when God will set up his earthly kingdom. The elect will be separated out and their eyes will be open to see the truth. We will all gather to be taught the Word and praise our Saviour. In 1 Corinthians, Paul is notifying the Corinthians of all his boasting of them. They were such great givers in the past and he hopes that they are still that way. If we really understood how blessed we are when we give, we would give more freely. The way we give is the way we are blessed in return. If we give grudgingly, then we will be repaid the same way, but if we give freely and abundantly, we will be repaid freely and abundantly. God loves a cheerful giver! Lord, we want to give freely and abundantly. Show us how.

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