Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sun.’s Devo. -Glorifying God with our Bodies

Read: Ezra 10:1-44, 1 Co. 6:1-20, Ps. 31:9-18, Pr. 21:3 Many came to join Ezra in his mourning for Israel’s sin of marrying strange wives. They decided to get rid of their strange wives. If they didn’t they would receive no substance. Up till then they were living off of the kings supply. The children of Israel had been in Jerusalem for nine months. Many already had children by their wives so they must have brought them with them from Babylon. They met and appointed leaders to see to the massive divorces. I wonder what that looked like. They had a problem and they settled it among themselves. In 1 Co. they were not settling their own problems but going to outside institutions to settle their matters. They were letting the ungodly worldly system settle their matters. That sounds like us today. Christians should settle disputes among Christians. We have Christians suing Christians. At the end of the chapter Paul deals with the sin of the Israelites in Ezra. Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and they shouldn’t be committing fornication. Our bodies are not ours to use any way we choose. We were bought with the blood of Jesus so our lives should glorify Him.

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