Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wed.s’s Devo - Jesus' Prayer

Read: 2 Sam. 13:1-39, John 17:1-26, Ps. 119:81-96, Pr. 16:6-7 What a sad story for Tamar. She was the victim of Amnon’s greed and impatience. He wanted he now and couldn’t wait to do it the right way. Human nature is so well expressed in the Bible. We needed a Saviour to save us from our weakness and sin. Sad for Tamar that she couldn’t heal and be restored. She was changed forever in a few minutes. Our actions do have lasting implications so we need to act out of love. Jesus said that to love God and our neighbor is to fulfill the whole law. If we love our fellow man then we won’t want to steal from him, kill him, envy his blessings, etc. It is so true…love is the greatest. In John, Jesus is letting us listen to his prayer for us. He prays that we be one with the Father just like He and the Father are one. He also says that He is glorified through us. He prays that we would be kept from the evil of the world and that his love will be in us. This strengthens the verse that says, “If God be with us, who can be against us!” For ever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven. O how we love your law! It is our meditation all the day.

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