Friday, May 9, 2014

Fri.’s Devo - Giving up what you need.

Read: 1 Sam. 5:1-7:-17, John 6:1-21, Ps. 106:13-31, Pr. 14:32-33 Once again Israel has gotten themselves in a pickle, but so have the Philistines. What was a blessing to the Israelites was a curse to the Philistines because the ark didn’t belong to them. It’s rightful place was with Israel but Israel had despised their God by worshipping other gods. Israel got their ark back and repented of their false gods. Samuel assembled them in Mizpah to intercede for the people. They were in the middle of a draught so Samuel took water that was precious to them and poured it out to the Lord. The Philistines attacked in the middle of the sacrificing and the Lord thundered down in such a way it threw the Philistines into a panic that allowed the Israelites to win and be restored to peace. In the New Testament, a little boy gave up his food to allow Jesus to miraculously feed a multitude. What is God asking us to give up so that He can do a miracle? I think for me, it is my comfort zone. I think God wants to move me to a different place and I need to sell out and go. God is still pleased with our sacrifices they just are not the blood of goats but they are sacrifices of the heart. Lord, may we be like Phinehas in our Psalms today that stood up and proclaim righteousness in the midst of wickedness.

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