Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thurs.’s Devo - David and Goliath

Read: 1 Sam. 17:1-18:4, John 8:21-30, Ps. 111:1-10, Pr. 15:11 This is such a familiar story but it always amazes me when I think that Goliath’s vest weighed 125 pounds! What a big man with very strong muscles! David spread his faith around until he was brought before Saul. Saul didn’t even recognized David as his harpist. Saul started doing his regular mode of operation which was ‘doing it his way’. He tried to dress David in his armor. David refused to do it man’s way. He went out unprotected with faith as his shield. He took his first stone and completely felled Goliath. That stone stood for the Word of God. It just takes one verse spoken in faith to see the devil fall. I love that David took Goliath’s own sword to cut off his head. Goliath was the principality and once he was conquered all the little demons fled. Satan’s camp is not in any sort of unity or form. It is total chaos and disloyalty. Jonathan noticed the power and favor on David and loved and honored David as himself. I don’t know of any other friendship in the Bible as sweet as theirs except maybe Jesus and John and Ruth and Naomi. Jesus warns the people that they cannot come where He is going unless they believe He is who He says He is. Otherwise, they will die in their sins. Even Jesus was totally obedient to his Father. Great are Your works, Oh Lord! Our hearts lay open before You. Make them holy Yours.

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