Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tues.’s Devo - Resurrection

Read: 1 Sam. 26:1-28:25, John 11:1-53, PS. 117:1-2, Pr. 15:22-23 Today we read about two people who were brought up from the dead: Samuel and Lazarus. They came from a place called Sheol where people went before Jesus rose from the dead. Notice both stories say he came ‘up’ from the grave. To the righteous it was a place of sleep. Samuel got mad because Saul disturbed his rest. Jesus told his disciples in verse 11 that Lazarus was asleep and he was going to wake him up. They thought he was talking about natural sleep, but He was talking about death. Many believed in Jesus when they saw Lazarus come out of the tomb but it just made the Pharisees more jealous and determined to kill Jesus. They clearly could not ‘see’. Caiaphas, the high priest had even prophesied that Jesus would die for the Jewish nation and that he would cause all God’s people to band together as one. Going back to the beginning of our reading, I love how God put Saul and his men in a deep sleep so they could slip in and take his sword and water canteen. There is nothing to difficult for God. He has things planned to amaze us if we will only walk in faith. Lord, You protect and defend your children who walk in faith. You are the resurrection and the life.

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