Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thurs.’s Devo - Jacob Moves to Goshen

Read Gen. 46:1-47:31, Matt. 15:1-28, Ps. 19:1-14. Pr. 4:14-19 What a reunion Jacob and Joseph had. His favorite son was now back in his life.. alive. Jacob packed up his family and brought all sixty-six of them to Goshen - the best of the land. Jacob and five of his brothers went with Joseph to see the pharaoh in Egypt. While they were there, Jacob spoke a blessing over the pharaoh. Joseph had instructed them to explain that they were farmers. If not, the pharaoh would have put them in the city of Egypt, probably near the palace. But since they were shepherd’s they were not wanted in the city to they got their pick of the greatest land and could continue to live according to their traditions and their beliefs without being hindered. They were also give the privilege of tending the king’s cattle. So in a time when the people were selling their land and their lives for food, God’s people got the best land, provisions, and protection all for nothing. Joseph was there when Jacob was about to die. He made him promise to take his bones with them when they left Egypt and bury them where his ancestors were buried. Joseph made sure this promise was kept. Skipping over to Matthew…did you ever wonder why Jesus refused to cast the demon out of the Canaanite woman’s daughter at first? Jesus came to call the Jews to repentance. He knew that when he died, Paul would take his message to the world. It was the Jew’s chance first. But this woman’s response touched the heart of God and he decided to heal her. She got her prayer answered through faith before her time. She broke through and got her miracle. We can too! Lord, your Word is perfect. It revives our souls.

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