Saturday, January 25, 2014

Sat.’s Devo - Jacob and Joseph’s Burial Plans

Read Gen. 50:1-Ex. 2:10, Matt. 16:13-17:9, Ps. 21:1-13, Pr. 5:1-6 Jacob died and was first embalmed by the Egyptians, which was what they did for important people. Then, he was buried according to his tradition. Jacob had been asked to be buried in the cave that Abraham and many of the patriarchs were buried in - the threshing floor of Atad in the field of Machpelah. Joseph asked permission to leave the palace and go bury him there and was accompanied by an entourage of Pharoah’s servants. Machpelah means “a fold, like a sheep fold” which was the fold of the patriarchs. It was where they would spend their afterlife till Jesus came and rescued them. It was important to their family to be buried together for that reason. Joseph asked that his bones be carried there when his people left and went back to Canaan. Joseph was acting out a picture. His grave would be emptied and he would be taken to the promised land just as Jesus would empty another Joseph’s (of Arimethea) grave and go to heaven. Joseph had no idea how his life would parallel Jesus’ life just as the disciples had no clue to the supernatural ways of Jesus. One minute Jesus’ disciples were beginning to understand and the next, they were being rebuked for not understanding. They understood that Jesus was the Christ, they just didn’t understand that as Christ, he would have to die for the sins of the people. When Jesus was transfigured before them and they saw Moses and Elijah talking to him, they wanted to build them an earthly tabernacle. They didn’t see that these men were not staying here, and neither was Jesus. They were instructed to listen to Jesus. Be exalted, O Lord, in your strength; we will sing and praise your might.

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