Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thurs.’s Devo - Ishmael and Isaac

Read Gen 20:1-22:24, Matt. 7:15-29, Ps. 9:1-12, Pr. 2:16-22 In Matthew we read about good and bad trees. The good tree produces good fruit and the corrupt tree brings forth bad fruit. Good fruit is the result of doing the will of God. It goes on to say that if we heed the words of God, then we will be a like a man who builds his house on the rock. This house won’t fall when the storms of life blow on it because it is founded upon Jesus, THE Rock! In Genesis, God is looking for a good tree to become His family tree. Abraham fails when he tells Sarah to lie about being married, but is given another chance to redeem himself with Ishmael. Once Isaac is born, Sarah wants to send Ishmael away. Abraham is grieved, but God assures him that this is the plan, so he sadly sends Ishmael away. God has a plan for Ishmael also, so he rescues him and his mom, Hagar. God has another test for Abraham. This time the test is much harder. He is to sacrifice his son, Isaac, the promised heir. He climbs the same mountain that Jesus would climb 2,0000 years later and takes with him wood, fire, and a knife - the cross, the Holy Spirit, and the Word. Theses were the very things Jesus took with him. God rescues Isaac and the good tree begins. In fact, God promised that his seed would be spread all over the earth and be a blessing to all. He would also possess the gate of God’s enemies. God, we thank you that one day You will judge the world in righteousness; and govern the peoples with justice.

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