Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wed.'s Devo - Walking With the Wise

Read Pro. 20:5,6
Have you ever been around someone who you knew held great wisdom and understanding? We had a man and his wife to dinner one night and although they thought they were coming for fellowship, we wanted to pick this man's brain about his understanding of God. So the whole night we asked question after question and listened as this man unfolded his wisdom. He probably left exhausted, and thinking back, I guess it was a selfish thing to do but if I had Jesus eating at my table, I'm afraid I would have to pound him with questions too. Sometimes that is what it takes to get wisdom from the wise. The Bible is the book of wisdom but many of the great truths are hidden in plain sight. You have to draw them out. The disciples had to do that with Jesus. He told parables to the people but they asked him in secret to explain them. It is the simple that want to spill everything they know, but the wise hold it in and contemplate it till they know it is right, then they feel free to share it in the right time. Which takes us to the next verse that talks about the person who brags about all the good things he does to be esteemed of men but it is the man who is consistently faithful with out the need to tell everyone. The faithful man just does good things naturally without thought of how it looks to others.
Lord, help us to dig deep into your Word for hidden truths and surround us with mentors laden with understanding. Help us to be faithful in our walk in public and in secret.

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