Friday, December 31, 2010

Fri.'s Devo - Last dream of the Year

Read Matt. 12
I had a dream last night that I was watching a woman in a farm house that was old and rundown. There was a big lamb in the house that was usually tame but it went mad. The woman had on an apron and tried to shoo it away with the apron. It grabbed the apron in its mouth. I knew she needed to get the lamb out of the house so I helped her open the door and drop the lamb down the 3 wooden steps when it landed it let go of the apron and we were free. Now the lamb was loose in the pasture and I knew that we would have to round it up before it got on someone else's land.
Later I dreamed I was in an old farm house sweeping the wood floors and the TV was on. Obama was rebuking the nation for letting this man reek havoc when no one knew he was in the country. I heard a thump and looked over in the closet and this old dirty-looking cowboy was making his way through the insulation and all the junk in the closet where he had been hiding out. I knew he was the man they were talking about on TV.
I think that these 2 dreams are connected. I think the lamb in the first dream became the man in the second dream. Yesterday I blogged about if you cast out a demon and sweep your house but don't fill it with the things of God then he will bring in seven other spirits more wicked than himself and the state of the man is worse than at first. In my dream I started out with a sheep that was tame. He turned into a very angry sheep who turned into a man who was wanted all over the nation. There is a big difference between a tame sheep and an outlaw. So since this is the last day of the year, maybe we need to take inventory of our lives and see what "tame" sins or habits we have in our lives and cast them out. In their place we need to fill that area with scripture and words of faith. We have to watch our imaginations and our fears because we don't want our lives taken over by the enemy.
Lord, show us the things we need to clean out of our closets and show us what to replace them with.

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