Monday, July 20, 2009

Monday's Devo - Reuben, Levi, and Judah

Read 1 Chron 27:16-
Now we get to go through the different tribes and find out about them. See if you can find your tribe. I will describe them by the meaning of the names. We'll do it in groups of 3 a day.
Reuben - Reuben means "see a son". They lead people to Jesus. These are the people with the gift of helps. Because this is their gift they do not forget any act of kindness done to them. Just like God writes every good thing we have done in his book of Remembrances. (Mal. 3:16) They are quick to hear and quick to obey. They have good judgment. The downside of this person is that being a judge can be a depressing thing to carry. They need to roll everything they see and hear on God's shoulders and not carry it themselves. Reuben was Israel's first born and Leah's hope for love. (Gen 29:32) Though he did some pretty shameful things like sleeping with his father's concubines, he also did some very noble things. He was the only brother that didn't want to kill Joseph and was going to secretly come back and set Joseph free. (Gen 37:21-22) When he came back to set Joseph free and Joseph was gone he rent his clothes in anguish. Later he offered his sons up to die if he didn't bring Benjamin back to his father alive. In Gen 49:3 Jacob blessed Reuben with might, excellency of dignity, and excellency of power. Reuben loved deeply.
Levi - Levi means "joined" because he was joined with God. These are the priests who carry the anointing. These people have been judged by a higher standard to see if they are fit to raised by God to the position of priest. They had to be just and morally righteous. To whom much is given, much will be required. They are ornaments that God can "show off". Moses came from the house of Levi. Levites teach and live the Word. They draw near to God and minister to him. They brought about justice and judgment to the people because they were the extension of God's hand. They were never to be numbered and could own no land. They were of another kingdom - God's. The temptation of this person is pride because they are trusted with the deep riches of the kingdom.
Judah - Judah means "celebrated". It is from the root word that means to use the hand; physically throw a stone or an arrow; revere or worship with extended hands; cast out, make confession, praise, give thanks. These are usually the worship leaders. Jesus came from this line and so did David so this is the kingly line. But, both Jesus and David were priests and kings. People from this line are the entrepreneurs; the people who posess the ability to make money. Judah didn't want to kill Joseph he wanted to sell him for money. One of the wives of Judah's name means "riches". The temptation of this tribe is to not let worldly riches destroy them and be used for the wrong reasons.
Theses were all Leah's sons.
Give us grace to be the best we can be and die daily.

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