Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Wed.’s Devo - Merry Christmas! God’s Kingdom is Coming to Earth

Read: Zechariah 8:1-23; Revelation 16:1-21; Psalm 144:1-15; Proverbs 30:29-31 Zechariah received a message from the Lord of Heaven’s Army proclaiming his great love for Mt. Zion and Jerusalem. That is to say all God’s children collectively and individually. God promises that the nation shall be so peaceful and prosperous that wars shall no longer prematurely cut off the people: men and women shall reach advanced ages. The promise of long life was esteemed one of the greatest blessings as rewards of obedience (Ex 20:12; De 4:40). This is one of the promises that will happen in the millennial blessings which we are walking right into (Isa 65:20, 22). He describes a city where children are playing in the streets and men and women with canes are walking and enjoying visiting in the square. *** He even says that this may seem impossible to us now but it is not impossible to our Lord. God will rescue us and bring us peace and bring His people back to Jerusalem. I think this is figurative also. God will bring us back to the simplicity of who God is and our purpose on earth. He encouraged them and us to keep building and remember how far we have come. *** In the days ahead, God is going to sow seeds of peace and prosperity among us. We will reap much fruit in every area of our lives. Instead of being persecuted and the Jew a curse, Christians and Jews will become a symbol of peace and a source of blessing. *** The Temple they were building was a literal building but the Temple we are building is in our hearts. It affects everything we do. It is about bringing God’s whole Kingdom system down to earth and living on earth as they do in heaven. It is about us being the leaders of all the mountains of society (government, religion, medicine, economy, arts and entertainment, education and family) and exalting Jesus as the king of everything. *** It begins with justice - telling the truth to one another, rendering just verdicts in the courts and promoting peace. Love and truth must be our goals in how we live our lives. *** Yesterday, we read where they had asked about whether to keep fasting and God answers that. They no longer have to fast… the war will be over and it will be a time to have festivals of joy and celebration! People will come to Jerusalem just to seek the Lord. People from all over the world will want to walk with and learn from God’s people. *** We have all this to look forward to. It is coming so fast and it is so exciting! *** In Revelation, the seven angels are pouring out their wrath on the wicked. The first bowl reaped terrible sores on those who had sold their soul to Satan. The second angel brought death to the sea of humanity that were evil. The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs and they became blood. The evil were made to drink this blood since they had shed so much of the blood of God’s people. This is what they had planned for us, turning back on them. The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun which caused everything to be scorched with fire. I think this is a picture of all the exposure to their wicked deeds. They still won’t repent. The fifth angel poured his bowl on the throne of the beast and his kingdom was plunged into darkness. This is the end of the New World Order, the CDC, the WEF, Blackrock, etc. This is going to make them so mad they are going to curse God’s name instead of repenting. The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the Euphrates River and it dried up so kings could march their armies toward the west with out hindrance. This sounds like open borders to me! They planned to use these illegal immigrants in an army against us. Wow, will they be surprised when God comes to them like a thief! This evil army will gather together at a place called Armageddon which means “hill of slaughter.” Guess who will be slaughtered? Not us! *** The seventh angel pours out his bowl and cries “It is finished!” Thunder and lighting and earthquakes! God’s wrath! Their Babylonian kingdom will split into three sections and many of their cities will fall. I saw a list of the chains of business that will be closing in the next year - it is extensive. Their kingdom is coming down. The three sections will be their economy, their political power and their evil religion of idolatry. God will replace it with Kingdom economics, godly government and true worship. *** Thank you Lord, that we are living to see the mountains of the anti-christ fall. Thank you that we are living to see your Kingdom being built upon earth and You reigning instead of evil. We worship you Lord, and the Lamb of God and Holy Spirit.

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