Monday, December 23, 2024

Mon.’s Devo - The Harvest

Read: Zechariah 4:1-5:11; Revelation 14:1-20; Psalm 142:1-7; Proverbs 30:21-23 The angel returned and showed Zechariah a gold lamp stand in the middle of seven. There were two trees on each side of the middle lamp stand. When Zechariah asked what they stood for the angel told him that the middle lamp stand was the Temple. Zerubbabel will lay the foundation for it and he would complete it. He would do this with the help of the Spirit which flowed from the two olive branches from the trees. I believe the two trees were Justice and Mercy. Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face. (Psalm 89:14) Justice and Mercy manifested through the apostles and the prophets. And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; 21 In whom all the building fitly framed together grows unto an holy temple in the Lord: (Ephesians 2:20-21). The two olive trees were also for healing for the nations. They were surrounded by the light of seven lamp stands which is the revelation given by God’s Seven Spirits. Zerrubbabel stands for Christ who builds his church upon the foundation of mercy and truth. *** Next, Zechariah saw a flying scroll which was 30 feet long and 15 feet wide. On one side it said a curse was coming upon everyone who steal in his name and the other side said a curse would come to everyone who swore falsely using God’s name. Whoever did these things, their foundation and what was built upon it would be destroyed. This means that every false teaching of the false apostles or false prophecy by the false prophets would not stand because it was not built upon God and Christ. Satan came to kill, steal and destroy which is what the New World Order has done to us for all these years. Their “temple” has been built on lies. *** The angel told Zechariah to look up and see the basket for measuring grain. Instead of having grain, it was filled with the sins of everyone in the land. In it was a woman who stood of “Wickedness”. Two women with wings like a stork, picked it up and took it to Babylon and set it in the temple they had built. They set it on a pedestal where they did their false worship to their false gods. *** In Revelation 14 we see the 144,000 who stand for the Body of Christ from every tribe and nation. They sang the song of the Redeemed that no-one can sing unless they have experienced it. They stayed true to the Lord and to Jesus. *** The Good News is then sent to the ends of the earth. This is the time for the great revival of souls! This is the time for evil Babylon to fall. The world has drunk from her cup long enough. Everyone who has sold their soul to Satan to gain power, wealth and position will be judged in the fire of God’s wrath. This is the “world” being destroyed by fire. Until this time, God’s people have endured much persecution but have stayed true to their faith in Jesus. *** Jesus appears on the cloud with a sickle in his hand to reap the harvest. He will harvest the earth. An angel came to help him. They gathered the ripe grapes that were ripe for judgement and they were trampled by the feet of Christ. *** We are seeing that happen in our day. The 170,000 sealed indictments are being dealt with and judgement is coming to the unrighteous. Justice is coming to God’s children. *** Lord, as we witness the reaping of the earth of evil, may we be awake and aware of God’s all-consuming wrath on evil and his all-consuming love and mercy for his children. Thank you for the blood of Christ. May your revival of mercy and grace flow through the nations.

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