Saturday, February 15, 2020

Sat.’s Devo - Christ In Us

Read: Exodus 39:40-38; Mark 1:1-28; PSalm 35:1-16; Provers 9:11-12
In reading the detailed description of the priests garments I noticed the similarities of the tabernacle itself. There are the rings, the blue, purple, and scarlet yarn embroidered material, the fasteners and the gold. These are all materials used in the tabernacle to link the tabernacle to the priests. The tabernacle was the place where God’s spirit would rest and the priests were like mini-tabernacles that embodied the presence of the Lord. We attend a church where we go to worship in his Presence but we are also individually the Ecclesia - the Church - Christ in us.
On the first day of the first month which would be Tishri one they were to set up the tabernacle starting from the inside and working out. First the ark of God’s Presence was placed and then everything out from it. Everything we do starts with God and his presence. God starts with our hearts because out of our hearts flow all the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23).
Next they were to anoint everything in the tabernacle and every person who was a part of serving in the tabernacle. Their anointing was to be a priesthood that would continue for all generations. That is the royal priesthood that we are a part of (1 Peter 2:9).
When Moses set up the tabernacle he put the bases then erected frames and inserted the crossbars. This made the picture of a cross. He covered it with covering like flesh because one day a man would bear our sins on the cross. To be a part of his priesthood is to bear the cross in our hearts always.
The law was placed inside of the ark in the eyes of the people and carried into the place it was to stay. Then he put the curtains up. He then put the table of shewbread and set the bread on the plates. He put the menorah on the opposite side of the bread and lastly he put the altar of incense in front of the curtain leading to the Holy of Holies where the ark was. All the people watched and then he put the curtain around it. God wanted the people to know the pieces and see them. Outside of the Holy Place was the burnt altar where they brought the animals to be slain and the basin for washing of the priests. The people were constrained in the courtyard which was bordered with curtains.
When he had finished the last step of the outside curtains, the glory of God came down as a cloud and filled the tabernacle. It was so thick, Moses could not enter it. The cloud was God’s presence and when it moved, they moved.
We still have that cloud even though we don’t see it. It governs when we move, and when we follow it we walk with God.
In Mark we are introduced to John the Baptist as a grown man. I don’t know if we understand the radical teaching of John. What he taught had never been taught before and no one had baptized to be cleansed of their sins. This was so new and brazen. Finally, the people could be cleansed of sin! This was unheard of at the time. Then, Jesus came casting out devils. Can’t you just see the kingdom of Satan scrambling for new strategy. They didn’t know what had hit them.
I don’t think Satan knew for sure if Jesus was the son of God or not. When Jesus was being tempted, Satan kept saying “If…you are the son of God.” He was baiting Jesus, but he didn’t win like he did in the garden so that had to have concerned him.
Jesus got his first two disciples who were brothers preparing their nets. He called them and they dropped everything to follow.
Lord, may we be like Peter and Andrew who blindly follow you into your adventure.

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