Friday, February 14, 2020

Fri.’s Devo - The Kingdom is Within Us

Read: Exodus 37:1-38:31; Matthew 28:1-20; Psalm 34:11-22; Proverbs 9:9-10
The different pieces of furniture were made of wood and covered with gold. Wood stands for humanity. Gold stands for the glory of God. If we are the temple of the Holy Spirit then the pieces of furniture are things with in us that God covers with his spirit. Our mind, heart, and soul are covered with the Spirit of God to be a place of worship for God.
These pieces of furniture were not to be handled by human hands but carried by poles on rings attached to the sides. The priest would carry them on his shoulders. Jesus, as our High Priest carries our mind, heart and soul on his shoulders. We are that precious to him.
In Matthew, on the morning of Jesus’ resurrection, there was another violent earthquake and the angel of The Lord came down from heaven and rolled back the stone and sat on it. It scared the guards so much they were unable to function. Mary and Mary Magdalene had come to the tomb and met the angel. The angel told them that Jesus was not there but was risen. He invited them into the tomb to see where Jesus had been. Then he told them to go tell the disciples that he had risen and was going to Galilee to meet with them just like he had told them. On the way, they met Jesus, himself! He told them the same thing.
Meanwhile, the guards went into the city and met with the chief priests telling them everything that had happened. They bribed them to lie about what they had seen. They were to say that Jesus had been stolen while they were asleep.
The disciples went to the mountain in Galilee that Jesus had told them to meet him and he met them there. He told them that he had received all authority in heaven and on earth. Now they were to go and make disciples of all nations. They were to baptized them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and He would be with them.
The great commission is still our commission. We have been given the authority of Christ and the things in heaven and on earth are ours.
Lord, help us to stop tolerating evil and start pushing back darkness and bring forth your kingdom of light. The earth is under the authority of Christ and he is within us. Help us to live out our true identity.

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