Friday, February 21, 2020

Fri.’s Devo - Resurrection and Life

Read: Leviticus 11:1-12:8; Mark 5:21-43;Psalm 38:1-22; Proverbs 10:8-9
When reading Leviticus, one of the most cryptic books of the Bible you have to put on your spiritual glasses. Romans 7:14 says that the law is spiritual which means that there is a spiritual meaning behind every thing they were told to do in the natural. Today we are reading the laws of their diet and what they could eat and not eat. Eat means to consume in your inner self. They were to only eat animals that had both a split hoof that was completely divided and that chewed the cud. To have a hoof completely divided had to do with their foundation of their standing. We are to stand on the Word of God that divides joint and marrow, soul and spirit and the thoughts and intents of the heart. So, to have a split hoof is about standing on a stable foundation of truth that is balanced on God’s Word.
To chew the cud means that you don’t swallow every thing that comes your way but you chew on the information and spend time studying and working on it till it is worth believing. It is about careful consideration and tried by fire - proof.
They were not allowed to eat an animals that walked on all four feet. They were a picture of the sourish person who could not stand straight. They were unbalanced in the fact that they used their hands to walk. Hands were to be used to give out.
They were not to eat animals that crept on the earth. The word used for “creep” means “to swarm, i.e. active mass of minute animals”. These are animals whose bodies were close to the ground. They represented a person or idea that was very earthly and unspiritual. They were not to touch them or their dead carcasses. In other words, we are not to touch wrong teachings that lead to death. There are many fearful prophecies out there that lead to fear and death.
In Mark, Jesus healed a woman who had bled for 12 years and raised a little girl who was 12 years old. In these two people we see the death and resurrection of the kingdom Jesus was bringing. Israel as a people had been bleeding with no hope till Jesus came and offered them resurrection and life.
Lord, help us to walk in the resurrection and life that you came to bring.

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