Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Wed.’s Devo - The First Passover

Read: Exodus 10:1-12:13; Mathew20:1-28; Psalm 25:1-15a; Proverbs 6:6-11
God explained to Moses why he was hardening Pharoah’s heart. It was so he could finish his judgment on Egypt for all the sin and idolatry they had brought in the earth. Moses told Pharaoh that if he didn’t let his people go, God would send locusts to finish what the hail left of their land. Pharoah’s officers wanted Pharaoh to just let Moses go and sacrifice because they realized Egypt was being destroyed plague by plague. So, Pharaoh called Moses in and wanted to know exactly who he was taking on this sacrifice. Moses told him everyone from babies to animals. Pharaoh tried to negotiate just the men going. The locusts came. Then the plague of three days of darkness came. After that, Pharaoh tried to negotiate them leaving their animals there. That is when God sent the last plague and said that after that one, the Egyptians would drive them out. The Israelites were to plunder the Egyptians asking for their gold, silver and costly material. The Egyptians feared Adonai and gave them everything. They would use this to build the tabernacle.
The last plague was called Passover and it would be the picture of the cross. They were to take a lamb into their house on the 10th to be examined and found perfect. I was to be sacrificed at dusk on the 14th. The father was to put the blood of the lamb on the doorpost and lintel of the door and then walk under the door and be safely inside. They were to totally roast the lamb in the fire, eat it quickly with bitter herbs and unleavened bread. That night the death angel would pass over the houses and kill the first born of any house that didn’t have the blood on the door.
Jesus entered Jerusalem on the tenth and was arrested that night after he had his last meal with his disciples (the passover seder). He was brought before the Pharisees, Pilate and Herod and none of them could find any fault in him. He was nailed to the cross on the fourteenth and crucified as the Lamb of God. `He took the penalty of death and sin away from us if we apply his blood to our hearts.
In Matthew, Jesus gave a parable about the end of time. Those who come into the kingdom at the end of their lives will get the same payment as those who have been Christians all their lives. The payment is eternal life.
Then, Jesus told his disciples exactly what was going to happen in Jerusalem. He was going to be arrested, beat and crucified on a cross as a criminal but on the third day, he would rise from the dead.
They thought they were going to Jerusalem to have Jesus crowned the king. James and John’s mother thought that too and wanted to make the request that her sons sit with him as ruler. Jesus explained that he could not make that decision, only God. He also explained that that priviledge would come with great suffering on this earth.
They thought they were going to Jerusalem to have Jesus crowned the king. James and John’s mother thought that too and wanted to make the request that her sons sit with him as ruler. Jesus explained that he could not make that decision, only God. He also explained that that privledge would come with great suffering on this earth.
Lord, I know that what you are about to do is not what we are expecting you to do because it never is. You are full of surprises and your way is always best and helps more people. Help us to trust your will.

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