Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Tues.’s Devo - The Great Reveal

Read: Genesis 44:1-45:8; Matthew 14:13-36; Psalm 18:32-50; Proverbs 4:11-13
Joseph had one more test for his brothers. Would they lay down their lives for Benjamin? Benjamin was favored just like Joseph had been and Joseph wanted to see if they would do the same to Benjamin as they had done to him. This would show Joseph if they had truly repented for what they had done to him.
The brothers passed the test in flying colors. Judah begged Joseph not to take Benjamin, but to take him instead. He spoke of how it would break their father’s heart if they didn’t bring Benjamin back. They were no longer jealous of Israel’s favoritism and only wanted to honor their father’s heart. This is the test we go through in life. Are we going to be jealous when God favors someone else or will we lay down our lives for them because God loves them? Will we be jealous of the Jews when they come back to Jesus and he favors them?
The brothers finally took responsibility for selling Joseph and that they are paying for their sin. Gone was their entitlement. When Joseph saw their repentance, he could finally reveal himself to them. Their sad, hopeless day became the most wonderful. They were promised total provision during the famine, a place to live free of cost and the best of the land. Joseph explained that what they meant for harm, God meant for good - their good and the good of their posterity.
This is the picture of how glorious it will be for the nation of Israel when at their darkest moment they see Jesus, the one they have pierced and are saved in a day (Zechariah 12:10).
In Matthew, Jesus taught by demonstration. He had been teaching all day and healing the sick so when it was becoming late, his disciples wanted Jesus to let the people go home to eat. Jesus seized the moment to teach his disciples about faith. He asked them what they had. They told him all they had which was five loaves of bread and two fish. Probably enough to feed Jesus and the disciples. Jesus wanted them to give everything away. Jesus had them sit everyone down, blessed their food and started breaking the bread and fish and distributing it through the disciples. It multiplied in their hands and fed 5,000 men plus the women and children.
After seeing such a powerful miracle, the disciples were tested. Jesus went to the mountain to pray and they went fishing. They experienced a great storm and in the midst of their battle, they caught Jesus walking on the water. I’m sure this was not the first time he had traveled the water, but the first time the disciples saw him. Peter was the only one who wanted to do it too. He started out fine, but when he realized what he was doing and how impossible it was, he sunk. When Jesus pulled him up and into the boat and the storm immediately stopped. The disciples were amazed but Jesus was disappointed in their lack of faith.
Jesus is asking us to have that kind of faith. We are not of the kingdom of the earth and its natural laws, we are of the kingdom of God which has no limitations. Can we walk on water? I believe so..by faith!
Lord, help us to look up because our kingdom is in heaven not on this earth.

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