Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Tues’s. Devo - God’s Plagues Begin

Read: Exodus 7:25-9:35; Matthew 19:13-30; Psalm 24:1-10; Proverbs 6:1-5
Today we read the first seven plagues. The first was the water to blood, the second was frogs, the third was lice and the fourth was the insects. From that time on, God separated the land of Egypt from the land of Goshen and the plagues didn’t touch the Israelites. The lice ruined the whole land of Egypt so the Pharaoh told Moses to sacrifice right there in Egypt. Moses explained that the sacrifices they were required to do would offend the Egyptians since they worshipped the animals they were to sacrifice. So God continued his judgment on Egypt.
The fifth plague was against their livestock The sixth was to turn the dust to sores on the men and livestock. The seventh was a hailstorm. Their flax and the barley was ruined.
God destroyed Egypt’s gods and their seed so they would not have a harvest. That is the same thing the devil is out to destroy - our God and the seed which produces a harvest.
After each plague, God would harden Pharaoh’s heart so that he could continue his judgment on the land.
In Matthew, we see Jesus’ love for children. He blesses them and lays his hands on them. A man came to Jesus wanting to know how to be saved. Jesus gave him the requirements of the Ten Commandments concerning how he treated his fellow man. Interestingly he left off the ones concerning loving God and not worshiping idols. Apparently he being rich, had issues about his money. It wasn’t the fact that he was rich that was keeping him from eternal life, it was the fact that he didn’t see his responsibility to help the poor. In the kingdom of God everything is reversed. The rich are those who are humble and poor in spirit.
Lord, help us to have faith like children and hearts to give.

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