Friday, January 18, 2019

Fri.’s Devo - Israel’s History

Read: Genesis 37:1-38:30; Matthew 12:22-45; Psalm 16:1-11; Proverbs 3:27-32
Today we read the history of Israel which begins with the story of Joseph. Joseph was the youngest of the brothers with Benjamin still a baby. He was the annoying younger brother who told on his brothers and was spoiled by his father since he was the son of his fathers true love. He was given a colorful coat by Jacob to show his favor. I’m sure Joseph reminded Jacob of Racheal which just added to his affection for Joseph.
Joseph was also a dreamer. Dreams were honored as important and when he dreamed his brother’s sheaves bowed down to his, they all knew what it meant. When he dreamed that the sun moon and stars bowed down to him, his father knew what it meant also. Israel stood for the sun, his mother stood for the moon and the stars stood for the sons who each was represented by a constellation. All this lead to his brothers hating him so much they wanted to kill him.
They got their chance when they saw Joseph from a way off, coming to find them. By the time Joseph made it to where they were they had concocted a plan to strip him of his clothes, put him in a pit and sell him to merchants. It was Reuben who saved his life. I wonder if Rueben didn’t feel so guilty for sleeping with his father’s concubine that he didn’t want to add murder to his sins.
They made it look like Joseph had been slain and lied to their father. Joseph was a type of Jesus who was killed by his own brothers, but death couldn’t stop what God had in mind for Jesus or Joseph. Joseph was taken to Egypt and his coat went home to his father to be grieved over. Jesus was taken to heaven.
Next we have the story of Judah in the midst of Joseph’s. Judah had three sons and the first two were so evil, God killed them! Think about that! None of them bore any fruit so Tamar, the wife of both of them had to do some trickery to get her inheritance that was rightfully hers. Having sons was everything back then - they were the true inheritance. She got hers through Judah who had not given her what he promised, his last son. Judah had given Tamar his seal, the cord it was on and his staff. The seal had to do with his name, the cord - his posterity or lifeline, and his staff - his power.
These were the things that kept Tamar from being stoned to death when accused of prostitution and these are the things that secured her posterity.
Our seal is Jesus’ name and the Holy Spirit who seals our salvation. Our cord is our eternal salvation. Our staff is the power of God in our lives - the power of life and not death.
She had twins. The second born stuck his hand out to receive the scarlet thread showing us, once again, that it is the second birth that brings salvation.
In Matthew, when Jesus healed the deaf and dumb man, the Pharisees were called on to make a statement. This was the last of the Messianic miracles that they believed only the Messiah could do. They had written in their Mishma that only the Messiah would be able to heal a man born blind, heal a Jewish leper and heal a deaf and dumb man. Jesus had already done the first two so this was the last on their list. They had to give a statement so their statement was that Jesus did this by the power of Satan. This sealed their fate. Jesus told the parable about binding the strong man before making off with his possessions and ransacking his house. He was the strong man and they had just bound him. He would no longer preach openly and it would require faith to be healed from that point on. His possessions were the Jews and his house was the House of Israel that the religious leaders were ransacking.
They wanted a sign and he had given them every sign in the book. He told them that the only sign he would give them would be the sign of Jonah. Like Jonah, he would be dead for three days then rise from death. They would be responsible for their unbelief at the judgment.
Lord, help us to have faith. Thank you for your blood that speaks a better name.

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