Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Wed.’s Devo - The Glory of the Temple

Read: Ezekiel 42:1-43:27; James 5:1-20; Psalm 119:1-16; Proverbs 28:6-7
Ezekiel was given a tour of the temple and shown the way the Lord designed the temple to work. Ezekiel was to tell the people what he saw and just by describing the dimensions of the temple and the glory of the temple, it was suppose to make them want to repent. Every measurement, its arrangements, its exits and entrances and details about the temple was holy and had multiple meanings for them and for us. I wish I understood it all. God promised them that if they would put away their worship of other gods, he would dwell in the midst of them. If they chose to worship Him then they would need to cleanse the temple by offering sacrifices for seven days.
We are the temple of the Holy Spirit and when we put away our false gods and choose to become God’s temple, then we are cleansed daily. Daily, we offer sacrifices to God by choosing him over our own pleasure until our seventh day, which will be the end of our time on earth.
James condemned the rich people because they were not generous. They hoarded their money and didn’t give it out to help the poor or even pay people for their services. They lived their lives in luxury and self-indulgence murdering the innocent and unaware of God and his plan. One day, every man will be judged. He told the suffering brothers to patiently endure because they will be blessed and God will be compassionate and merciful to them. He encouraged them to pray, praise, anoint the sick with oil, and confess their sins to one another because their prayers are powerful and effective. He also said that if a brother strays away and we help him return we are saving him from death and covering their sins.
Lord, help us to cleanse our temple and offer our bodies as daily sacrifices to you.

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