Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Tue.’s Devo. The Inner Court

Read: Ezekiel 40:28-41:26; James 4:1-17; Psalm 118:19-29; Proverbs 28:3-5
God had Ezekiel measure every length, width and height of the temple. The word “measure” in the Hebrew means to stretch a line which was meant to be extended or stretched. It also means to stretch oneself. I wonder if this whole process that Ezekiel went through is to show us the process God goes through when he judges a person’s life. He measures everything the person has done and either justifies or judges them. Something to ponder.
What we do see is that God’s temple, of whom we represent, is very complex and intricate. We see the multiple palm trees with cherubims engraved all over the temple. I wonder if the palm trees don’t stand for every trial we have undergone and the cherubim stands for the angel that helped us overcome.
James noted that the external battles they were having were stemmed from the internal battles of their soul. They had to do with their heart. The answer was to submit to God’s heart, resist the devil and come near to God. Those that were double-minded having part of their mind to serve God and the other to serve themselves needed to be cleansed of their actions and purified in their hearts.
Lord, may we be submitted to You and your ways.

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