Friday, November 30, 2018

Fri.’s Devo - The Four Empires

Read: Daniel 7:1-28; 1 John 1:1-10; Psalm 119:153-176; Proverbs 28:23-24
Daniel had another vision of four beasts that came out of the sea. These spiritual beings stood for empires of the earth. The lion was Assyria with Nebuchadnezzar as their leader. He was reduced to an animal but rose up to have the heart of a man. The bear was Persia which had many cruel leaders. The leopard stood for Alexander the Great of Greece and the fourth one stood for the Roman Empire that was ruling when Jesus came to earth.
Next, Daniel saw Jesus come down from heaven to earth. The last kingdom was given to him. It would be an everlasting rule that would never pass away. The horns on the head of the fourth beast were different leaders that ruled on the earth. The last leader would make war with God’s saints which would be the Anti-Christ.
Daniel had no idea what he was seeing or any understanding of what it meant because it wasn’t meant for him. It was meant for us. God’s ways are so amazing and wonderful.
First John begins like the Gospel John begins by talking about the beginning. He was explaining that Jesus was from the beginning of time. He came down to earth and they actually touched him and knew him. He brought life just as he created life in the beginning. He also was the light and when we walk in that light, we see each other differently and can fellowship and love one another in a much deeper way.
Lord, help us to walk in fellowship with you and our spiritual family.

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