Thursday, February 4, 2016

Thurs.’s Devo - No Compromise

So much happened in today’s reading, I don’t know what to concentrate on but there are some things that stuck out to me. Locusts were the eight plague and God told Moses why he was making Pharaoh stubborn. First was so that he could display his power to a people who had so many gods and dealt in such witchcraft and idolatry. But, for the Israelites, it was so they could tell their children and grand children about how God made a mockery of the Egyptians. God had gone through their glorious land and brought it to ruin in a matter of a year. Pharaoh was contemplating letting them go and asked them who they planned to take with them. He told them they could not take their children and threw them out. On the next plague of darkness, he told them they could take their children, but they had to leave their animals. Satan always asks for a compromise. We need to be strong like Moses and not give him an inch.
God had one more plague which he had told Moses at the beginning he would do…kill Pharoah’s first born son. After this, Moses and the people left with everything they owned and all the riches of Egypt. That is God’s plan for us. We not only get what belongs to us but we get the spoil of the enemy. No compromise!
Then, God set up a whole new calendar. This month, which was their seventh month, Nisan, would be their first month. It would take too long to explain this in detail but God was giving them a picture of salvation. This was their new birth of their nation. We are born first of the natural and then of the spirit when we get saved. We have two birth days. Israel was getting a new birthday - their spiritual one. Today Israel has a civil calendar which starts in Tishri and a religious calendar which starts in Nisan. Their passover feast was a picture of the cross. The blood stood for Jesus blood. He is the door. They were to apply the blood at the same points that Jesus bled and walk through the door and be saved. What a picture!
Lord, thank you for the gift of salvation and the blood of Jesus that saves us and our household. Help us to stand firm against the devil and not compromise when he offers an easy way out. You will give us the victory and it will be complete.

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