Monday, February 15, 2016

Mon.’s Devo - The Tribal Gifts

Read: Numbers 7
Today we read the offerings each of the tribes were to give. No matter what the size of the tribe, they all brought exactly the same gift. God is no respecter of persons. We are all the same importance to the body. Notice that the containers were of silver and gold and carried grain, flour and olive oil which would be used to make the shewbread for the priests. They also brought something for the burnt offering, the sin offering, and the peace offering. All these offerings were satisfied in the ultimate offering: Jesus. He was the burnt offering, totally consumed on the altar. He was the sin offering that atoned for all our sins. He was the peace offering that made peace between God and man. He is the bread of heaven, the Word of God that came down from heaven to feed us spiritually.
I am always intrigued with the order and the lists of the tribes of Israel. Sometimes they are in birth order and sometimes, like today, they are in another order. Sometimes Levi is included, sometimes Joseph and sometimes Manasseh and Ephraim. There is always a reason even if I don’t always know why. Today it is all scrambled up as far as order. In each of the groups I looked up the three names associated with them and it looked to me like the first name described God the Father, the second name described Jesus the Son and the last name described the Holy Spirit. If so, then God is divine, the giver, our father, the Rock, peace, a gatherer, hears, rewarder, huge, help, the event, creator of evil. That last one is confirmed in Isaiah 45:7. Jesus is giving, humble, strong, the spreader of light, the rock of the Almighty, known of God, splendor, a rock, warlike, of the Almighty, knows trouble, sees all. The Holy Spirit is joyous, brings us rewards, is our habitation, helps us see Jesus, causes us to hear God, helps us invade the heavenlies for our fortune, double fruit, causes us to forget our past, son of the right hand (came through Jesus), helps us judge, happy, causes us to wrestle. If some of these seem to overlap it is because the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one and have the same heart.
Lord that we may know you as our Father, Savior and Comforter.

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