Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wed.’s Devo - There is Always Hope

Read: 2 Kings 24-25; 2 Chronicles 36
Today we have the details of the fall of Jerusalem. The Babylonians came in and took the best of Jerusalem and left the poor. Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) were some of the captives taken to Babylon.
It is hard to comprehend the fact that Jehoiachin was the king at eighteen and had to face Babylon taking over his country. He held out for eight years before giving in.
We read about this yesterday in Jeremiah. I couldn’t help thinking about America when I read all the things the king of Babylon took. We have seen the civil liberty groups take God from our schools, the Ten Commandments from government buildings, the meaning of marriage from our laws, and a whole list of other things that made up the best of our land. We are being besieged by political rightness and the spirit of the world. It is a very disheartening thing to watch.
I did see some hope in today’s reading. After 37 years, a new king came to reign in Babylon and he brought Jehoiachin out of prison and set him above all the other men of his land. He gave him new garments and he fed him and gave him an allowance for the rest of his life. It just shows us that God can rescue us unexpectedly over night. He can turn our bondage into liberty and our poverty into blessing.
Lord, give your children hope and strength for the coming days.

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