Monday, August 3, 2015

Mon.’s Devo - The Arm of the Flesh vs. the Hand of God

Read: 2 Chronicles 32-33
When Hezekiah saw that Sennacherib was coming against Judah, he did all he could do physically to prepare for his attack. Then he told his army to be strong and courageous because Sennacherib was fighting in the flesh but God would be fighting for them. Sennacherib’s army might be a multitude but God’s army is greater. The people found peace in Hezekiah’s words. Sennacherib came to Jerusalem and besieged Lachish. “Lachish” means “walk of a man”. Sennacherib came with the arm the flesh, i.e. in his own strength. He used intimidation telling Judah’s men that even Israel’s god was not able to deliver them out of his hand. He boasted that they were stronger than God. The men of Lachish had their walk tested and they passed.
Isaiah and Hezekiah both prayed together and the angel of the Lord came and killed most of Sennacherib’s army during the night. Sennecherib left in shame and went back to Assyria.
Because of this great victory, the people elevated Hezekiah and brought him gifts. Instead of giving God the glory, he took it to himself which was his down fall. Isaiah came to tell him he was going to die and he repented so quickly that Isaiah had to turn around and tell him he would have 15 more years to live. They were prosperous years and he stored up much wealth and God blessed him. God tried him by sending the ambassadors from Babylon. He failed his test and showed off all his treasures to them. God sent Isaiah to tell him that because he did that he would lose everything. It would happen during the days of his sons. During his 15 God-given years he had a son named Manasseh. He should have spent them raising him up to be a good king but by the way Manasseh started out, I’m not too sure. Manasseh worshipped everything but God and led the nation into idolatry that was worse that the heathen’s idolatry. God used the Assyrians to discipline Manasseh. He was taken to Syria where he cried out to God in his affliction. God restored him to his kingdom and he was a different king. He cleansed the land of all the idolatry he had brought in and restored worship to God. Sadly, his son Ammon followed him in his sinful ways and never repented. He was killed by his own servants and his son, Josiah became king.
Lord, may we have leaders who will humble themselves and turn back to You. May they rid our nation of it idolatry. Raise up a leader who will follow You.

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