Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wed.’s Devo - The Curse and the Blessing

Read: Pr. 25-26
I quote Proverbs 25:2 often because I love it. God hides things in mystery so that those who are hungry and want to know will seek it out. That is the intrigue of the Old Testament. It is signs and pictures and types and shadows of things to come. It takes searching out to understand the good stuff.
The last verse of Proverbs 25 says, “He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls. To have no self-control is to have no boundaries so anyone or any spirit can come through your gates and sabotage you. Our walls are salvation (Is. 60:18). That is why God put it on Nehemiah’s heart to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem before he rebuilt the city.
Proverbs 26:2 is an interesting verse, “ As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.” Birds wander and swallows fly to find food or materials to build their nest; they always have a reason. It is the same for the curse. It will not come on a person without a cause. Curses are the result of sin. It could be the sin of someone in your family that was passed down. Adam’s curse has passed down to all men. We must work to produce. The serpent was cursed and still slithers on his belly. The woman was cursed and still has pain in childbirth. We are to be redeemed from the curse but we have to appropriate our redemption. We have to claim it and act on it to activate our blessing. We are free from the curse of sin and death yet we will still die till God frees us from that last curse of death. In the blessings we can love working and experience God’s free provisions and have painless childbirth but the serpent will keep his curse till the end!
If you feel you are under a curse you can ask God where it came from so you can close that door and be set free. We should have no curses in our lives as born-again believers because the blood of Jesus set us from from the curse of the law.
Lord, deliver us from any curses we may be operating under and let us walk in Your blessings so we can spread these blessings to others.

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