Friday, June 19, 2015

Fri.’s Devo - Solomon's Quest for Wisdom

Read: Ecclesiastes 1-6
Ecclesiastes is the progression of Solomon’s search for wisdom. In the first chapter he realizes that everything cycles. Nothing is new but it was all created when God said, “Let there be.”
In the chapter two, Solomon fills his life with everything he can possibly make or have and he is still empty so he set himself to search out meaning to life.
In chaper three he meditates on time and how everything is tied to time. Every man lives in the boundary of time and every generation has their purpose on the earth. He realizes the frailty of man and it humbles him. He concludes that man should be content in his contribution because no man knows the future.
In chapter four, Solomon went out to observe the oppressed and their oppressor. He realized that both had no comforter; no one to pity or avenge them. There was no savior. The only reprieve was death. He concluded that a friend was the closest thing to a savior because then you would have someone to walk with you through the pain of life.
In chapter five Solomon finds that the most important thing to find is the fear of God. Then you will find true meaning and joy.
In chapter six, Solomon concludes that if man works all his life and never enjoys the fruit of his labor his life is in vain.
Lord, thank you for sending us a savior in Jesus. There is nothing that makes sense apart from Him.

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