Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tues.’s Devo - David’s Escape

Read: 1 Sam. 21-24
David has begun his run from Saul. His first place to run is Nob which means “fruit”. There he receives bread and the sword of Goliath. How fitting that he would be given the very weapon used against him to fight his enemies. Now he will use it to defend himself against the one he was fighting for the first time. Many times jealousy will come between best friends and make them bitter enemies.
Abimelech was the priest who acted in complete innocence. It cost him his life to do the right thing. Doeg was the rat who told on David. His name means “anxious”. He was so anxious to make himself a good name he killed 85 priests. Fear is a powerful enemy. It will cause us to do irrational things. Killing priests and their families when everyone else refuses to do so is irrational to say the least. Especially since he had been to Nob just to hear from God himself.
Abiathar escaped with the ephod to David and told him all that had happened back at Nob. I can’t imagine David’s pain knowing that it was his fault. Amazingly, Abiathar didn’t blame David but was faithful to help him and inquire of God for him. So David gained a personal priest. He also gained everyone that was in distress, in debt, and discontented with the government… sounds like the very people Jesus came to save.
Saul is feeling his unpopularity not only with people but with God. He knows that David is going to be the next king and it is killing him. To make matters worse, he knows that his son is supportive of David who should be his opponent. Poor Saul, it’s hard not to have pity for him. He is a tormented man. Even when David proves in the cave that he is not out to kill Saul, Saul can’t let it go.
Lord, let this be a reminder to us of what not trusting You looks like. We want to have a heart like David’s not like Saul’s.

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