Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thurs.’s Devo - Our Merciful God!

Read: Ps. 102-104
God loves it when we just don’t pray but we cry out to Him. I was moved to tears as I read that today in Australia they are starting a 7-day period of prayer and fasting for America! They are so grateful for what America did for them in WW2 and they feel that America is hanging in the balance. They have asked that we join them. David was crying out to the Lord in Psalm 102. David spends much time in the outdoors and sees God in all his creation. He learns God’s ways by observing His creatures. In verse 13, David proclaims that God will arise and have mercy on Zion: for the time to favor her, the set time, is come. I pray this over the people on my prayer list today.
I love Psalm 103! I put it to memory many years ago and even though I can’t quote it all now, I continually quote the first verse. We need to bless the Lord and not forget all he has done. God is merciful and he does remember that we are human and frail, and he still chooses us and loves us.
In Psalm 104, God walks us through the first chapter of Genesis. He declares that God, in his wisdom created everything to show us his glory.
Lord, help me to marvel at the wonder of your creation and not take it for granted. You are awesomely creative. We pray for our nation that we would humble ourselves and turn back to You with our whole hearts.

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