Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tue.’s Devo - The Righteous Standards

Read: Judges 3-5
God left Israel’s enemies in the land to test them and teach them war. That is the same reason we still have enemies in our lives. They are there to test us and reveal what is in our hearts. They are also there to teach us spiritual warfare. Our enemies aren’t people but evil spirits. We don’t fight against flesh and blood like they did in the Old Testament, but we fight against principalities and powers of darkness in spiritual places. Eph. 6:12.
When Israel fell into sin and started serving Baal, God sold them into the hand of Chushan-rishathaim which means “double wickedness”. That is why the worse sinners are usually back-slidden Christians or someone who has been taught the truth and chose to leave it. They become doubly wicked. But God raised up a deliverer every time Israel realized their sin and their need to be delivered. Some of the judges were Othniel, Ehud, Jael, and Deborah. They would deliver Israel out of their oppression and as long as they lived, Israel would stay devoted to God, but as soon as they died, Israel would fall back into idolatry.
These judges stood for a righteous standard. Without a righteous standard in our lives we will go the way of the world. We need a standard. Our righteous standard is Jesus Christ.
Lord, thank you for raising up Jesus to be our righteous standard and keep us in Your way.

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