Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sun.’s Devo - Teach Your Children

Read: Deut. 11-13
Moses admonished the people to tell their children God’s way and how He blessed, instructed and disciplined them in the past. Their strength to fight their enemies and their length of stay in the promised land will be measured by their obedience to God’s commandments. Then God would give them rain in the right seasons and bless every day of the year. If they turned from God then he would shut the heavens and not rain on their fields. If they obeyed, God would give them every place the soles of their feet tread upon. No man would be able to stand against God’s plan for them. It was their decision to choose what destiny they would get.
This is still our decision to make. We can choose to live in God’s blessings by obeying Him and walking in His ways or we can choose to try to live on our own doing what seems right in our own eyes. One way leads to God’s abundance and the other leads to lack.
Not only were they to walk in obedience to God, but they were to be offensive. They were to take over the strongholds of the devil and destroy their influence. They were to continue to do this until they had found complete rest from all their enemies. We will always fight demons until we are no longer oppressed by them…then we will enter into God’s rest. It is our goal. That is the place where nothing bothers us because we know that our Father has everything in his control. Hebrews 4 talked about this rest extensively.
God warned them of the false prophet who would come in with supernatural powers and woo them to follow false gods. They were to put him to death. Even if someone from their own family tried to seduce them to worship other gods they were to stone him. Even if a whole city fell to idolatry, they were to burn the city.
Lord, purge from us and our land the idolatry and may we turn to you with all our hearts. May we be diligent to teach our children your ways.

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