Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thur.’s Devo - Faithfulness and Obedience

Read: Josh. 12-15
This part of the Bible can become mind-boggling just reading the names and wondering what it all means and I don’t have the answer but I know it is important to God and one day we will understand why He put all this in the Bible. I did love what Caleb said in 14:11. He is 85 years old and was as strong as the day Moses sent him to spy out the promised land the first time. He had had to wander through the wilderness for 40 years because of the sin of his people…not his own. So God preserved his youth during those 40 years. Moses had promised to give him the land he spied out the first time and it was given to him. That land had 4 giants that had kept the land for him. He knew that with the Lord’s help, he could drive them out and he did.
From this story we learn that when we are punished because of someone else’s bad judgement or sin it doesn’t blow the reward for us…it just prolongs it. We will be rewarded for our faith. Caleb had faith that God had given them the land but the other 10 spies were fearful. It cost them all 40 years and their life. The other 10 spies had died, but Joshua and Caleb were spared and hadn’t aged. Obedience and faith are the best ant-aging agents around. Too bad you can’t bottle obedience and faith and sell it in a pill!
Lord, following You is the only way to life and fulfillment. We choose to follow Your ways today.

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